Kinesiology for Massage Therapists

This course is an introduction to the science of muscles, body motions and biomechanics. Course concentration will include structure, origin, insertion, and function of muscles with patho- mechanical considerations. Emphasis […]

Ethics for Massage Therapists

This course will include discussions on personal and professional ethics as they pertain to the massage therapy industry, as well as business and medical ethics based on the fundamentals of […]

Essentials of Massage Application

This course is designed to provide the student with entry level practical massage therapy skills. Material covered includes ethics of touch, appropriate practitioner body mechanics and proper draping technique. Students […]

Principles of Massage Therapy

This course is designed to provide the student with entry level information about the history and theory of massage therapy. Material covered includes principles of professional touch, history of massage […]

Physiology of Wellness

Students in this course develop strategies for self-care needed for longevity in the field of Massage Therapy as well as strategies for working with clients to promote change that will […]

Therapeutic Massage Specialties

This course introduces the student to other modalities of massage such as Sports, Maternity, Hot Stone and Orthopedic Massage. Additional content may include, but is not limited to Energy Modalities, […]

Advanced Theory and Techniques

This course covers the theory and application of advanced massage therapy techniques including Neuro-muscular Reeducation, Myofascial Release and Trigger Point Therapy for the purpose of finding and treating myofascial syndromes […]

Clinical Experience II

Clinical Experience II is designed to provide the students an opportunity to continue to refine the advanced skills learned in MASS251G and to incorporate new therapies based on their scope […]

Clinical Experience I

Clinical Experience I is the first exposure the students have to a working clinical setting. They will learn the operations, policies and procedures of a massage clinic. In addition they […]

Pathology and Massage II

Pathology and Massage II is a course designed to teach the massage therapist the benefits of massage on the circulatory, urinary, lymphatic, reproductive, integumentary, respiratory, and lymphatic systems as well […]

Pathology and Massage I

Pathology and Massage I is a course designed to teach the massage therapist the benefits of massage on the skeletal, muscular and nervous system as well as when it is […]

Visceral Anatomy and Physiology

This course includes in depth information of the structure and function of the integumentary, endocrine, digestive, respiratory, cardiovascular, respiratory, urinary, and reproductive systems with discussions of how massage therapy may […]

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